sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of having brothers or sisters.

Having brothers or sisters can be a great advantage or a disadvantage depending on the relationship that exists between them. If brothers are friends, they can be better moral support than parents, and also if the age difference is not too much, they can also share friendships, hobbies or even partying together. But always keep in mind that the brothers relationship dependend heavily on the influence of parents. Parents should love their children as they are, if not, it is preferable that they have one child to avoid favoritism.
On the other hand, being an only child, like me, doesn't mean your parents consent you more or you get everything you want. If you have good parents, no matter how many children, they will always be well educated. Although, being an only child also has some advantages, for example, everything at home is for you, you don't have to give to little children your toys, books or anything else have a special value for you, because little children can break them. So if something breaks, you can not complain because it is your responsibility, whereas if, however, you want to keep something,it is preserved thanks to you.
In conclusion, having brothers or sisters, if you have good parents, is one of the best things that can happen to you, however, if parents have a predilection for one of their children, can be very negative for the other child, so before having children think: are you going to accept your children as they are or are you going to choose the best? It's your decision.

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